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Carer Breaks Consulation - City of York Council

Last updated:

We know caring can have an impact on your health and wellbeing and understand how difficult it can be. Breaks can make all the difference, and might include small regular opportunities for a break to longer more complex breaks and covers the whole spectrum in between.

We would like to make some improvements and are asking for your thoughts and feedback to help us with this. If you are a carer for an adult or child, please complete our survey.

Your feedback will support carers in York;

  • to have a voice to ensure carers are involved in planning the specific services and support that both the carer and the person they care for receives
  • enable them to make informed choices about access to care support, health, and wellbeing
  • ensure that both young and adult carers have opportunities to be heard
  • review other opportunities that are there for carers to take a break

Complete the Carer Breaks Consultation survey

This consultation closes at 11.59pm on Wednesday 9 August 2023.

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