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Spotlight on Cafe Neuro

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Café Neuro York is a local charity that offers psychological and social support to people with, or affected by a long-term neurological condition. Meetings take place twice monthly at the Folk Hall in New Earswick offering the opportunity to socialise and take part in activities.

The idea for Café Neuro York began in 2018 when Diana Toseland, Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist, retired from the NHS. Having worked with many people attending NHS clinics, Diana was repeatedly told patients were struggling with being discharged, and were in need of psychological and social support for the difficult days. “They felt as though they were dropped off the edge of a cliff” explains Diana.

To fill the gap in services, Diana came together with a group of innovative and like-minded people who brought both professional and lived experience of neurological conditions. “The people I helped in my clinic needed someone to be there to listen, to understand them and what they were going through” explains Diana.

“We wanted people to have somewhere to go when life becomes difficult”. Together the group created “Café Neuro York”, offering a safe place for those impacted by long term neurological conditions.

Café Neuro York’s focus is to build their members’ contentment and engagement with their world. Current members have been helped to focus on the things they are good at rather than their difficulties. “Wellbeing is linked to a state of self-confidence and good self-esteem” says Diana. “It equips people with the ability to be happy, have fulfilling relationships, gain confidence and a sense of being able to achieve and accomplish”.

Café Neuro York has adopted the World Health Organisation (WHO) model which embraces being connected with others, remaining active and engaged with activity, learning new skills, giving to others, and being mindful. “We wanted to fill the gap in current provision” declares Diana “and provide somewhere people with long term neurological conditions will be accepted for who they are, rather than be identified for the condition”. She adds proudly “I was so pleased when one of our café attendees declared - I have found my tribe!”

Following a break due to Covid restrictions meetings are once again taking place, and plans are afoot to expand thanks to a grant from Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JRHT) York Committee. Café Neuro York currently meets at the Folk Hall in New Earswick.

Activities and talks take place on the first Wednesday of the month at 6.00pm – 7.30pm. Past events include arm chair yoga, benefits information, travel and support available, smoothie making, drumming and music sessions. Meetings also take place on the third Friday of the month from 11.30am – 1.00pm for a coffee and catch up.
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