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Training & Education for Carers

What is available locally?

Many carers find that having an activity outside of caring is essential to their own wellbeing. It gives them a break from the demands of caring and helps boost their self-esteem.

There are a range of support groups for carers in York provided by a range of organisations:

Third Age Foundation

Third Age Foundation offers computer courses for people over 40 who are, or are about to become, out of work, including those who have had a break because of caring responsibilities.

Adult education

From a short evening course to a degree, learning can give you a valuable break from your caring responsibilities and boost your self-confidence:

Adult learning

York Learning provide part-time and full-time courses to the York area.

Address: West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA
Tel: 01904 554277
Web: York Learning

Free wellbeing and interest courses for carers - WEA

Do you give unpaid care and support to others? 

Here at the WEA we think you're amazing. To say thank you we're offering free online short courses for all unpaid adult carers and caregivers. Giving you the chance to explore new interests either by yourself or with your cared for adult.

From online visits to stately homes, exploring great works of literature through to arts, crafts and improving your mental wellbeing our courses are designed for carers, by carers.   

Explore what's on offer to you today:

Live Well York - Community Activities Directory

The Live Well York Community Activities Directory provides information on a range of community activities, including those that are specifically for Carers.

Family Information Service - Raise York

For information and activities for Young Carers please visit Raise York Young Carers page.

For information on general activities for young people please visit Raise York Young People directory.

Explore York Library and Archive

Explore York provides a range of books and digital resources as well as other facilities including local community libraries and reading cafes as well as organising events.

Training specifically for your caring role

For training specifically related to your caring role, you can visit the following links for courses and information:


Last updated: 25/03/2024