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DOS for the Public Over the Winter

Directory of Services (DOS) to support people to stay well in their communities over the winter.

This document provides information about the range of services available to help you stay healthy and well in your community during the winter months. It includes resources to support your physical and mental well-being, ensuring you have access to the assistance you need when it matters most.


1.    A&E

2.    Brain Health Café

3.    Carers support

4.    Citizens Advice Bureau

5.    First Contact Mental Health Practitioners

6.    Help with food

7.    Healthier Together

8.    Home Energy Efficiency

9.    Home from Hospital

10. Let's get better

11. Live Well York

12.  Local Area Coordinators

13. Mental Health Support

14. NHS 111

15. Older Citizens Advocacy York

16. Pharmacy First

17. Self-care minor illnesses and injuries

18. Social prescribing in York

19. Warm places in York

20. Winter Bills Scheme  

21. York and Selby Heart failure nursing services

22. York Energy Advice


Service Name
Detail of the service available 

 1. A&E (accident   and emergency)

Name of service: A&E is for serious injuries and life-threatening emergencies only. It is also known as the emergency department or casualty.

Who is this service for? Life-threatening emergencies, please visit NHS England website When to go to A&E

How to access the service: your local York Hospital Emergency Department (A&E) in York .

Opening hours: 24h services

Telephone/email contact: 999, or if you're not sure what to do, NHS 111 can help you.

 2. Brain Health Café


Name of service: Brain Health Café, to support people whilst they are on the waiting list for the memory clinic. The aim is to improve the experience of people awaiting a possible diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment or dementia.

Who is this service for? Anyone who has any concerns about their memory or wants to know more about how to keep their brain healthy. 

How to access the service: Free service and everyone is welcome!  Café takes place every:

- Wednesday 10-12pm at Nimbuscare Acomb Garth

- Friday 1-3pm at Wigginton Recreation Hall (except Bank Holidays)

Opening hours: Dementia Forward, Monday – Friday, 9-4pm

Telephone/email contact: Dementia Forward helpline Tel: 03300 578592, email:

 3. Carer Support

All Carers from age 5+

York Carers Centre is an independent charity offering free support and advice to unpaid carers in York. Includes specific services for young carers (age 5 - 18 years), and young adult carers (age 16 - 25 years)

Phone: 01904 715490


Young Carers - essential support for under 25s

The Mix

Parent Carers: Parent Carer Forum supports parent carers of children aged 0 – 25 years

Email :


All Carers over 18

Local Social Prescribing Offer Phone: 01904 437911

All Carers

City Of York Council social care support for carer and the person they care for.

Phone: Adult Social services 01904 555111


Support and benefits for carers - NHS   


 4. Citizens Advice   Bureau


Name of service: CAY Advocates aim to help you achieve an outcome which will have a positive effect on your wellbeing.

Advocacy simply means supporting people to speak up for themselves when there is something they want to say. Advocacy is a way of making sure a person’s voice is heard when issues affect their lives.

Advocates are skilled staff and volunteers trained to assist with everyday issues. They will not tell you what to do.

Who is this service for? people over 50 in York who may be:

    • Experiencing financial hardship
    • Overwhelmed by bureaucratic processes
    • Facing communication barriers or digital exclusion
    • Lacking support systems
    • Unaware of their legal entitlements

How to access the service:  self-referral,

All clients have an initial meeting (currently over the phone) but usually face to face with our Lead Advocate. They chat through and agree with the client what help or support is needed. The volunteer works with the client for as long as is required. The service is client-led, free and confidential.

Opening hours:  Monday - Friday 10am - 3pm

Telephone/email contact:

Tel: 01904 676200


 5. First Contact   Mental Health   Practitioner

Name of service: First Contact Mental Health Practitioner’s (FCMHP) based in your local GP Practice, is an experienced professional who can support you with either a diagnosed or undiagnosed mental health concern. This could be one or a number of mental health feelings and symptoms such as anxiety, low mood, loneliness, grief, hallucinations or stress.

Who is this service for? Anyone that is wanting to seek support with their Mental Health.

How to access the service: Your local GP surgery, please contact reception and ask for an appointment with the FCMHP.

Opening hours: Varies on the opening hours of the surgery in your area.

Telephone/email contact: Your GP surgery contact number.

 6. Help with food


 Name of service: Help with food, if you're struggling to pay for food, free independent advice and support about social welfare issues is available for all residents, covering benefits, debts and employment.

Who is this service for? Available for all residents

How to access the service: for a range of support with food available, please visit  Help with food website.

Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 9-5pm

Telephone/email contact: Benefits and Contributions Advisors, Telephone: 01904 552044, email:

 7. Healthier   Together


This website provides parents, carers, pregnant women and birthing people, babies, children and young people across Humber and North Yorkshire with consistent and high-quality advice from local health professionals.

You'll find clear information on common childhood illnesses, including advice on what 'red-flag' signs to look out for, where to seek help if required and how long your child's symptoms are likely to last.


 8. Home Energy   Efficiency

 Name of service: The Home Energy Efficiency Team are passionate about helping you to save energy, money and carbon, making sure that you feel warm and healthy in your own home all-year-round.

Who is this service for? Available for all residents

How to access the service: please contact the team on the number below or visit The Home Energy Efficiency Team website to find out more.

Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 9-5pm

Telephone/email contact: Home Energy Efficiency Team, Telephone: 01904 555520, Email:

 9. Home from   Hospital

Name of service: Home from Hospital. Age UK hospital services scheme is a flexible service of up to 6 weeks, to support you when you leave hospital or intermediate care.

Who is this service for? A free service enabling older people to be more confident and comfortable at home after their hospital stay.

How to access the service? Please visit the Age UK  website for more information click here or see leaflet here

Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 9:30-3:30pm

Telephone/email contact: 01904 726191,

 10. Let's Get Better

Name of service: Let's get better  offers comprehensive resources, support and signposting to help you and your family Start Well, Age Well and Live Well.

Who is this service for? If you live in any part of the Humber or North Yorkshire, Let’s Get Better is the ultimate destination for all your health and wellness needs.

How to access the service: free online resources, please visit the Let's get better website.

Opening hours: Find a pharmacy - NHS (

Telephone/email contact:

11. Live Well York

Name of service: Live Well York, website offers a number of resources for community support and social care in York, for example, advice about money, legal issues, housing.

Who is this service for? An Information and Advice community website for all adults.

How to access the service: please visit  Live Well York website

Opening hours: free online resources

Telephone/email contact: Adult Commissioning Team, Telephone: 01904 551006, Email:

 12. Local Area   Coordinators

Name of service: Local Area Coordinators (LACs):  They help raise awareness of available resources within the local community and support people with a wide range of issues.

Who is this service for? LACs work with individuals and families of all ages and abilities. They take time to get to know you, your family, friends, carers and your community, so they can help you to build a strong support network.

How to access the service? This directory contains contact details of all LACs working within local communities in York, please visit  LACDirectory

Opening hours: Monday- Friday, 9-5pm

Telephone/email contact: CYC Customer Services team 01904 551550

 13. Mental Health   Support

Name of service: Community mental health services, if you are feeling low, sad or worried but are not experiencing a mental health crisis, there is a range of mental health support you may wish to consider.

Who is this service for? Providing community-based support to people aged between 18 and 65 years old who are experiencing challenges with their mental health. 

How to access the service: to contact the right support for the area please visit TEVW/services/community-mental-health.

Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 9-5pm

Telephone/email contact: Mental health crisis call: 0800 0516 171, the line is open 24/7 Healthwatch York have also produced a user friendly guide on how to seek help in a crisis which is available here.

Other useful contacts:

TEWV crisis services, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, Freephone 0800 0516 171

The Haven @ 30 Clarence Street, 6pm-11pm, every day, Tel. 07483 141 310

Drug and alcohol services, 8.30am – 4pm, Monday-Friday, Tel. 01904464680 (York), Tel. 01723 330730 (North Yorkshire)

Samaritans, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, Tel. 01904 655888

Citizens Advice Bureau, 9.30am – 12.30pm, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, Tel. 03444 111 444

 14. NHS 111

Name of service: NHS 111 is the fast, easy and free NHS non-emergency contact offering clinical advice. When you call 111 you will speak to a highly trained adviser who is supported by healthcare professionals. The adviser will ask you a series of questions to assess your own, or the patient’s symptoms, and you will then be directed immediately to the most appropriate medical care.

Who is this service for? If you think you need medical help right now, 111 online can tell you what to do next.

How to access the service: You can call 111 or fill in an online form at

Opening hours: 24h services

Telephone/email contact: call 111

 15. Older Citizens   Advocacy York

Name of service: Citizens Advice York offers free, confidential and impartial advice on a wide range of issues including benefits and tax credits, debt, housing, employment, and much more.

Who is this service for? Anyone over 18

How to access the service: please call number below

Opening hours: 10am - 4pm Monday – Friday

Telephone/email contact: free Adviceline:

0808 278 7895 (Mon-Thurs, 10am-4pm)


 16. Pharmacy First

Name of service: Your local pharmacy team are healthcare professionals who can give you clinical advice and treatment for a range of common conditions, minor illnesses as well as help you decide whether you need to contact other healthcare services, understand the medicines you've been prescribed and review your prescription if you have any concerns.

Pharmacy First 7 common conditions: 

    • Uncomplicated UTI – women 16-64 years
    • Shingles – 18 years and over
    • Impetigo – 1 year and over
    • Infected Instect Bites – 1 year and over
    • Sinusitis – 12 years and over
    • Sore Throat – 5 years and over
    • Acute Otitis Media – 1 to 17 years

If you go to a pharmacy with one of these conditions, the pharmacist will offer you advice, treatment or refer you to a GP or other healthcare professional if needed.

Pharmacy First referrals for minor illness (previously Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS)

Pharmacy First urgent repeat medicines supply service

Who is this service for?

Pharmacy First 7 common conditions can be accessed by the age ranges listed above.

Pharmacy First referrals for minor illnesses can be accessed via your GP Practice.

Pharmacy First urgent repeat medicines can be accessed via NHS 111 or urgent treatment centre.

How to access the service:

Pharmacy First 7 common conditions can be accessed via visiting a community pharmacy or referral from your GP Practice or NHS 111

Pharmacy First referrals for minor illnesses can be accessed via a digital referral from your GP Practice, NHS 111 or urgent treatment centre.

Pharmacy First urgent repeat medicines can be accessed by contacting NHS 111 or visiting an urgent treatment centre.

Opening hours:

Pharmacy First 7 common conditions: Community pharmacy opening hours are available on Find a Pharmacy.

Pharmacy First referrals for minor illnesses: A digital referral for this service is available when your GP practice is open or contacting NHS 111 A consultation with a pharmacist is available when the community pharmacy is open.

Pharmacy First urgent repeat medicines: NHS 111 is open 24 hours and opening hours for urgent treatment centres can be found at Find urgent and emergency care services.

Telephone/email contact: 

Contact details for a community pharmacy can be found at Find a Pharmacy.

Contact details for your GP Practice can be found on their website.

Contact NHS 111 by ringing 111.

Further information about urgent treatment centres can be found at Find urgent and emergency care services.

 17. Self-Care


 'Stay Well This   Winter'

Name of services:

Visit the NHS website for a full medicine cabinet list. You can often self-treat many minor illnesses and injuries at home by keeping your medicine cabinet and first aid kit well-stocked with medicines.

 'Stay Well This Winter'  offer advice on keeping well during the winter months to: those with long-term health conditions, those over 65, pregnant women, parents of under-7's.

Advice to help you stay well this winter: Watch these short videos of York GPs sharing their advice on a range of common conditions:

Who is this service for? Available to everyone

How to access the service:  please visit  'Stay Well This Winter'  for more information

Opening hours: Find a pharmacy - NHS (

Telephone/email contact: Find a pharmacy - NHS (

 18. Social   Prescribing in York

Name of service: Social Prescribing is a term which means linking people to non-medical sources of support to improve people’s health and wellbeing. Social Prescribers are not Support Workers, Counsellors, Social Care or Mental Health Workers – they support patients to connect with these services

Primary Care Link Workers are part of the Social Prescribing Team at York CVS. The Primary Care Link Workers are Social Prescribers based in GP surgeries across York, working alongside individuals to get to know them, and ultimately help them improve their health and wellbeing.

Eligibility: people with social issue, (e.g. loneliness, isolation, financial problems), social prescribing helps provide individuals with an alternative to medical intervention.

The team supports people aged 18+ living in the area served by City of York Council.

How to make a referral: via GP practice or self-referrals. 

Opening hours: Monday-Friday 9-5pm

Telephone/email contact: 01904 437911 More information on the York CVS website.

 19. Warm places in   York

 Name of service:  A Warm Place is somewhere you can go, free of charge, to spend time to keep warm if you're struggling to heat your home.

You can find a list of Warm Places in York on the Live Well York Service Directory, all offering a Warm Place with seating and facilities open for at least 2 hours a week.

Who is this service for? Free to everyone, with no requirement to buy anything.

How to access the service: There are lots of community venues in York offering a Warm Place this winter: Explore York libraries and Warm Places on Live Well York

Opening hours: please visit above websites for opening hours.

Telephone/email contact: Shaping Neighbourhoods, Email:

 20. Winter Bills   Scheme 


Name of service: Winter Bills Scheme, provided by City of York Council to support vulnerable households with significantly rising living costs. Please also visit Help with utility bills website.

Who is this service for? The scheme is open to City of York residents who are over 16 years of age, who require urgent financial assistance.

How to access the service: Please visit City of York Council for eligibility criteria Household Support Fund.

Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 9-5pm

Telephone/email contact: please contact Benefits Team on 01904 551556, Email:

 21. York and Selby   Heart Failure   Nursing Services




Name of service: York and Selby Heart failure nursing services: The specialist heart failure team are involved with the care of patients with heart failure in both the hospital and community settings, from the time of diagnosis of this condition.

Who is the service for:

    • Rapid Access Clinic – urgent review of any deteriorating heart failure patient with the option to offer IV diuretics to prevent hospital admission
    • Community clinic – face to face clinic reviews to optimise management of heart failure with EF <45% until stable
    • Home visiting – face to face reviews of housebound patients with an EF <45%

How to access the service: Referrals are accepted from cardiologists, GPs, district or practice nurses.

Once a referral is received the team will telephone the patient to make the appointment.  Nurses can visit patients in their home or invite them to a clinic setting of their choice.

Opening hours: Monday – Friday 9:00-17:00

Telephone/email contact:

Health care professionals:01904 721344

The patient advice line closes at 15:30

Patients with EF < 45%: 

Urgent 01904 721445

Non urgent 01904 721200

Patients with EF >45%: 01904 721445

 22. York Energy   Advice


Name of service: York Energy Advice offers a range of home assessment services for different budgets that can help you understand more about energy efficiency upgrades in your home.

Who is this service for? free support on energy issues to anyone in York on a low income, or aged 65+, or experiencing a long term physical or mental health condition or disability.

How to access the service: self- refer 

Opening hours: Monday – Thursday

Telephone/email contact:

Phone: 01904 922249

SMS: 07418 364631



Last updated: 12/12/2024