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Community Resources


The Upstream Collaborative was an active learning network of practitioners from 20 pioneering local authorities and their partners brought together by Nesta in partnership with Collaborate from 2019-2020. Upstream Collaborative | Nesta

The Coalition for Personalised Care is a movement of people with lived experience of health care and their representative bodies, health providers, and commissioners. Understanding and aligning link worker and community capacity building activity: A place-based approach in York and Wakefield

Think Local Act Personal A briefing paper by Shared Lives Plus CE Alex Fox which describes ten features of an ‘asset-based area’  necessary for developing strong communities and sustainable public services. Asset-based Area Think Local Act Personal TLAP

Two Ridings Community Foundation Impact Report – Your Support Our Impact 2021/22 - Two Ridings Community Foundation (tworidingscf.org.uk)

Wired Well written article on background and context of social prescribing. Interesting to read a narrative-based, non-practitioner, non-academic approach as a comparison A radical plan to treat Covid’s mental health fallout | WIRED UK

Age Friendly York are looking at how older people access and use services and whether this is a positive experience by carrying out a range of checks against the following World Health Organisation age friendly standards Your Service Baseline Assessment

Blogs & Podcasts

The Connected Community - This podcast seeks to highlight people across the world in various fields who are working, discovering, and thriving in community spaces. Through this celebration and coming together we hope that people reimagine community as the driver of the Good Life.
Hosted by Cormac Russell and Sacha DeWolfe The Connected Community (tcc.show)

Nuture Development Power is shifting in York and people are increasingly coming together to define what they want and build more connected, caring and compassionate neighbourhoods and communities. York’s ABCD journey – People Helping People - Nurture Development

Nesta How City of York Council is harnessing people's strengths, skills and networks Delivering with people, for people | Nesta

The GovLab Collective Intelligence Podcast Telling the amazing story of the ways that cities are solving problems with citizens GovLab Collective Intelligence Podcast - Joe Micheli

Video stories

People Helping People: How City of York COuncil is using asset-based community development to create resilient communities People helping people - YouTube


Loneliness Lab: Learnings, tools and real-life case studies curated from across the Loneliness Lab network. Together we are understanding what's driving loneliness in our cities and sharing knowledge to inspire action. Knowledge Hub – loneliness lab

Useful Links

Cities of Service helps mayors build stronger cities by changing the way local government and citizens work together. We help coalition cities tap into the knowledge, creativity, and service of their citizens to help identify and solve critical public problems. Cities of Service supports a coalition of more than 300 cities, representing over 84 million people across the Americas and Europe. citiesofservice.jhu.edu

Evidence for Local Area Coordination (LAC) approach: Local Area Coordination started in 1988 in Western Australia and came to the England and Wales in 2009.  Since then there have been 15 independent academic evaluations carried out on different English and Welsh programmes. How do we know it works? (lacnetwork.org)

LAC stories: Video Library (lacnetwork.org)

ABCD in Leeds: Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) is a bottom-up approach to sustainable community-driven development. We recognise, identify, and harness the strengths and gifts of individuals and communities who then work together to create their own social action. On this website you can find details about this project, the approaches we take, our learning, and tools and resources you may need. Home | Abcd In Leeds

Social Prescribing

The Impact of Social Prescribing in York - Ways to Wellbeing

Last updated: 24/12/2021