Buyer's Guide


Live Well York offers a range of ways to help you live independently. Some of these are free or low-cost community activities and some are services or products which you can browse and find contact information for providers.

Whilst we have been thoughtful in bringing this information together, City of York Council, its partners and/or Public Partnerships LLC will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of using the site. Inclusion of any products or services on the site is not an endorsement or recommendation.

We will inform all organisations/groups that have entries in the Live Well York directories of our expectations to abide by Live Well York’s Code of Conduct. You may wish to check the Code so you are aware of how the organisation/group should operate.

You cannot purchase services or products on Live Well York, but we provide a platform to help you locate and contact organisations/groups to discuss or order directly from them.

What to consider first

Safety and quality of the service or product

  1. Have you read Live Well York’s Code of Conduct? This will show you what Live Well York would expect from any organisation/group with a posting in any of the directories.
  2. Are there any particular checks or accreditations you would expect to see?
  3. Have other customers left feedback or ratings on other sites and are these favourable?
  4. Have you considered whether a reference would be useful or do you know someone that is familiar with the organisation/group?
  5. Do you know how to stop a service or return a recently purchased or faulty product?

What will it cost?

  1. Is it clear what it costs?
  2. You can make enquiries to several organisations/groups to help you compare value for money.
  3. If you are not sure, ask for a further breakdown or explanation from the organisation/group.
  4. If relevant ask for this in writing (email is fine) before you agree to anything.
  5. Think about how you would like to pay - credit card, PayPal, debit card, invoice, cash and so on.
  6. Make sure the organisation/group knows what you want and that you have all the information you need to help you make an informed decision.

Think about your personal situation - and what it is you want to achieve.

  1. Are you struggling to understand what you may need and like to talk this through with someone? This could be a friend, relative, or a local area coordinator.
  2. Have you had an assessment of needs, why not initially have a chat with a Social Worker at their Talking Points?
  3. Have you had assistance with support planning? Whether you are funding yourself or using a Direct Payment from the council, there are some things you should think about before buying care and support. 


What to do if things go wrong

  1. Tell the organisation/group and ask them what they will do to put things right and by when.
  2. If there is still a problem ask about their complaints procedure.
  3. Check they are working within the Live Well York’s Code of Conduct. If you think they are not working within the Code, remind them about it and report it.
  4. If they are registered with the Care Quality Commission, such as a care home or a provider of personal care at home, contact the Care Quality Commission for help to resolve the problem by phone on 0300 061 6161 or online at
  5. You can contact Healthwatch York about influencing health and social care services on 01904 621133 or email
  6. If you pay for care home fees or homecare yourself and are not satisfied with the way your complaint has been dealt with, or feel unable to talk to the care provider contact the Local Government Ombudsman by phone on 0300 0610 614 or online at
  7. If someone has been harmed, or if they could be harmed by something a provider has or has not done, raise a safeguarding concern. Further information and advice is available from City of York Safeguarding Adults Board
  8. If you require consumer advice in relation to goods or services you have purchased, you can contact Citizens Advice Consumer Service by phone on 0345 404 0506 or online at

Last reviewed: 17/03/2022