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Thinking about how you use your kitchen

Finding the right equipment can make life easier for you. Select an option below.

Drinking cups

Dinnerware that is adapted is order to make drinking easier for a person with reduced ability in their hands.


Drinking straws

May be used where a person is unable to hold a cup or where they have swallowing difficulties.


Dinnerware that is adapted in order to make eating easier for people with reduced ability in their hands.


Dinnerware that is adapted is order to make eating easier for people with reduced ability in their hands.

Non slip mat

Will prevent a plate or cup from moving.

Tap turner / lever taps
Enables people with reduced hand function or weak grip to turn taps on and off.

Perching stool

An angled seat with or without arms which assists a person in the bathroom or kitchen where they are unable to stand for long periods of time to undertake an activity.


Enables a person to carry items between rooms. This should not be used as a mobility aid.


Useful in different situations to hold food and drink or for holding small items. One-handed versions are available.

Last updated: 17/11/2020