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How to use this site

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Live Well York is a website for adults in York.

You can use this website to find helpful information and advice, discover hundreds of local groups and activities and find out what events are happening across York.

The website is supported by a number of organisations across York, working in partnership. These organisations include Age UK, Healthwatch York, York CVS, York Explore, York Mind, Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, and the City of York Council. You can find out more about all the organisations on our Live Well York Partners page.

It can help you by providing helpful information and advice. There is a wealth of information on this website that covers the following areas:

Health & Wellbeing - general information around staying healthy and well

Getting Out & About - details of transport and leisure activities in York

Housing - information about the different accommodation options in York

Carers - useful information and support for adult and young carers

Learning, Volunteering and Employment - learning opportunities, volunteering and organisations in York

You & Your Home - helping you stay independent and safe in your own home

Money & Legal - advice on subjects including benefits, paying for care and support and Power of Attorney

Clinical Health and Adult Social Care - information relating to the Council including safeguarding, the Care Act and funding care.

Easy Read - pages available in Easy Read format

Information and Advice (also available in Easy Read Format)

There are several ways to find information and advice on Live Well York.

You can use the 'Find Information' button at the top of the homepage to reach the Information and Advice landing page, where you can browse all the information pages on Live Well York. 

Alternatively, try typing a keyword or phrase into the search bar. You can choose your option using the grey drop down box in the search bar: Information and Advice, Community Activities or Services and Products.

What's On Directory (also available in Easy Read Format)

You can find our What's On Directory directory by clicking the 'Community Activities' button on the homepage.

Our Community Activities directory contains hundred of local groups and activities. You can use the filters along the top of the directory to refine your search, or type a key word or phrase into the search bar.

Community Events Calendar 
(also available in Easy Read Format)

Our Community Events Calendar contains lots of events happening across York that you can get involved in.

You can find the calendar by clicking the 'Community Events' button on the homepage.

Services and Products Directory 
(also available in Easy Read Format)

Our Services & Products directory allows you to find providers of care and community support services that are suitable for you or those you care about.

Through the directory you can find provider contact details and see what services they offer.

The services and products listed on Live Well York are not audited or endorsed by the site or its partners, please refer to the Buyer's Guide for further advice or information about choosing activities and services. All providers wishing to list their services or products on Live Well York will need to sign up to and uphold the Code of Conduct.

The below information is available in Easy Read Format 

You can add any page on Live Well York to the 'My Information Booklet'. You can then create your own booklet to view or print later. To do this, go to the page you would like to add to your booklet, hover your curser over 'My Information Booklet' and click "Add to booklet". When you have all the pages you would like click 'Create booklet'.

You then have the option to fill out some details for the cover page of the booklet and the option to remove any pages you do not want to use.

Once you are ready, click 'Create booklet' and a PDF booklet will be sent to you by email.  If you doing a booklet to post to somebody else you can create a cover letter to fit an A4 window envelope.

If you can't create a booklet because you don't have access to an email address contact Live Well York on 01904 551006.

If you know of an activity that takes place in York but it is not currently listed, please email

If you run an activity in York and would like to be featured in the Live Well York What's On directory please click on the 'Post an entry' button on the What's On page. This will take you to a short form to complete. Once we receive your form we will add to the website or contact you if we need any further details.


If you would like to provide feedback about a particular page, please use the 'Rate my page' function on the bottom of the page.

If you would like to give more general feedback about the site please complete this Feedback form.

Last updated: 11/01/2024