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Partners in Dementia

We are relaunching our organisation after changing our name and rebranding so we can incorporate our new services.

’Partners in Dementia' is our new name. We used to be called ‘Beetle Bank Social Farm’. We run three core services which you can read more about on our dementia friendly website: www.partnersindementia.org

A brief summary of our services are:

Beetle Bank Social Farm for people with dementia and other long term conditions who enjoy being outside, so...

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Council commissions new £1.8m drug and alcohol service contract to help the residents of York

City of York Council has awarded the drug and alcohol service contract to a leading health and social care charity Change Grow Live.
The charity will deliver a £1.8m service to provide community-based treatment and interventions for York residents wishing to access support for substance/alcohol use.
Change Grow Live helps tens of thousands of people each day, delivering over 150 services across the UK including supporting individuals, families and communities whose lives are adversely af...

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Armed Forces Day 2024 Football Fest

The Armed Forces Day 2024 Football Fest is coming to the LNER Community Stadium on Saturday 6 July, 11am - 5pm, with Ladies and Men’s teams from the British Army going head-to-head with North Yorkshire Police in this inaugural competition.

The tournament will see teams made up of members of local military personnel, competing as “York Garrison” versus North Yorkshire Police, taking part in what promises to be a highly entertaining duo of football matches.

Turnstiles ope...

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York Festival of Ideas 2024

Enjoy an inspiring programme of in-person and online events at York Festival of Ideas 2024.
Taking place from 1 to 14 June at venues across the city, the mostly FREE events include talks from world-class speakers, exhibitions, performances, guided tours and family-friendly activities. And with topics ranging from animals to art, history to health and politics to psychology, the Festival promises something for all ages and interests.
Headline speakers include double Olympic champion Dame Kelly...

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Beetle Bank Social Farm

Beetle Bank Social Farm supports people with dementia and other long term health conditions to take an active role in the running of a farm in Murton, York. We help the farmer with jobs around the farm and organise our own projects. We help support the interests, skills and abilities of our group members and enable them to be involved in ways they can and enjoy.

The types of jobs we do include:

Looking after the farm animals - enjoying time with them
Growing vegetables, fruit and flow...

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Taxi Licence Policy Consultation

The council are seeking views on a revised policy which details how we licence taxis and private hire vehicles, operators and drivers. The consultation is in two parts, we are consulting on the draft Taxi Licensing Policy, and we also have a survey of 10 questions asking your views on proposed changes within draft policy. We’d welcome your views to both parts.
This is the first major review of our taxi policy for some years and will incorporate revised statutory guidance together with in...

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New Legislastion on Flexible Working

We know that the number one workplace practice that people over aged 50 themselves say would help them to work longer is flexible working. This is from Centre for Ageing better research as well as local findings through Age Friendly York.From 6th April, new legislation has come into force and all employees now have the right to request flexible working.Read the Cenre for Ageing Better article on new workers rights for more information....

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The way we communicate is changing.
Our old telephone lines are being replaced with a digital network. This means a more reliable, future proof service that will support the UK and its residents for years to come. It will affect anything that sends a signal through the old line from personal alarm buttons to old-style home telephones.This could could include:

a personal telecare product?
a lifeline or community alarm?
a personal alarm button?
a portable ECG or oxygen monitor?
a fall alar...

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