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Age Friendly York

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With around 40% of York’s population being aged 50 and over and with many people living alone, citizens, groups and organisations from across York have come together to work towards Age Friendly status for the city, to help create an even better community for older residents.

York has joined the UK network of Age Friendly communities, which is the first step towards gaining age friendly status from the World Health Organisation.

This move aims to help older people live healthy and active later lives, that they are happy and in good health living in their community. Being Age Friendly means that older people are encouraged to become active citizens, shaping the place that they live in by working alongside local groups, council and businesses to identify and make changes to the physical and social environment they live in.

In York, this will be done by working towards improving how older people can travel, where they go to, how they can choose spend their time, how they access information, their home and also, services for older people.

Please come to an Age Friendly meeting every first Thursday in the month at St Sampson's Centre at 10.15am and share your concerns and ideas.

If you  want to join the maining list so that you can be kept up to date or want to know more then please contact:

or ring Carl on 01904 554595

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