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York Talk Money Saves Residents Thousands of Pounds

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Partners across York are kicking off the new year with the city’s popular York Talk Money fortnight (20 January – 2 February).

The regular event aims to help people who are struggling financially by sharing information and advice, and signposting to local help and support.

York Talk Money aims to help York residents :

  • Get all the help they are entitled to
  • Reduce their outgoings as much as possible
  • Gett advice if they need assistance

Last autumn, Government data showed around 1,600 York households were missing out on Pension Credit*. The council was able to contact over 300 households from the national data that they had details for, advising them that they might be eligible for Pension Credit and offering advice and support on how to apply for it.

By the end of the year, a third of these households had applied for their Pension Credit and secured ongoing eligibility for the Winter Fuel Payment this winter, gaining them an average of over £6,000 a year in increased benefits.

Collectively they received over £145,000 of backdated payments, with estimates suggesting that over the lifetime of their claims, the support will add up to over £5.7 million.

Cllr Katie Lomas, the council’s Executive Member with responsibility for Financial Inclusion, explains how the York Talk Money campaign can help, saying :

Most of us are finding that the increasing cost of living is bringing new challenges, whatever our age or situation.

“Finding out more about the options available to you really can help, as we’ve seen most recently with residents who we’ve helped apply for Pension Credit and Winter Fuel Payments. Getting the help you’re entitled to really can make a difference of £1000s.

“There are also a number of local options for residents needing direct financial support, including the Household Support Fund and York Financial Assistance Scheme, which are open to people of all ages.

“I’d urge anyone who’s facing financial hardship or worried about money to find out what help is available to them via our or local advice and support services.”

General advice on how to get the help you’re entitled to, reduce your outgoings and get further support is available at or


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