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Travelling by Train

Trains in York

For general information about rail travel from York visit the National Rail Enquiries website, which covers information including:

  • getting to and from the station
  • ticket buying and collection
  • staffing and general services
  • station facilities
  • accessibility and mobility access
  • a station map

For accessibility information for all stations in the York area see the Access Able Website.

Senior Railcard

The Senior Railcard is available to anyone aged 60 years or over. It gives a third off Standard and First Class, Anytime, Off Peak and Advance fares. A Senior Railcard costs just £30 for a whole year. A three year card can be purchased for greater savings.

Disabled Person's Railcard

The Disabled Person's Railcard is for people who have a disability that makes travelling by train difficult. It gives a third off Standard and First Class, Anytime, Off-Peak and Advance fares for you and a friend. It costs just £20 for a whole year.


Passenger Assist

If you need assistance when travelling by train, Passenger Assist can help.

For more information please visit Disabled Persons Railcard website.

The Sunflower Lanyard

Not all disabilities are visible – some are not immediately obvious, such as autism, chronic pain, dementia, anxiety, visual or hearing impairment. Living with a hidden disability can make daily life more demanding for many people, but it can be difficult for others to recognise, acknowledge or understand the challenges you face.
Wearing the hidden disability Sunflower discreetly indicates to people around you including staff, colleagues and health professionals that you may need additional support, help or a little more time.

Other railcards


Last updated: 07/02/2023