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Support for carers

York Carers Centre

About York Carers Centre

York Carers Centre is an independent charity founded in 2009. It ensures unpaid carers throughout York have access to information, advice and support. It works in partnership with carers, statutory and voluntary organisations to influence positive change in service delivery with local government, employers and health providers. The centre is a network member of the national Carers Trust.

York Carers Centre supports unpaid carers through three key areas:

  • Adults
  • Young Adults (18 to 25)
  • Young Carers (5 to 18)

Funding comes from a variety of sources, principally from The City of York Council and The Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership. They also rely on grants from charitable trusts, donations and fundraising to enable the delivery of specific projects. York Carers Centre

Contact York Carers Centre

Phone: 01904 715490


Adult Carers

York Carers Centre gives free help to any adult who provides unpaid help and support for someone close, because of ill health, disability or addiction. They support carers living, or caring for someone who lives, in York. Support can be given over the phone, in the community or at one of the regular groups, hubs and events.

Type of support

They offer a range of activities and support such as:-

For more details go to the York Carers Centre website.

Digital Resources for Carers

If you help to look after someone close because of physical or mental ill health, disability or addiction, you can get free advice and support online with Carers UK’s Digital Resources for Carers. It's provided in collaboration with City of York Council. Visit the website and use the unique York access code to create an account: DGTL6282: Carers UK - Digital Resource for Carers

It contains a wide range of advice guides that might make a caring role easier, covering topics including financial planning, working and health and wellbeing. There is also access to Jointly, a care-coordination app which supports communication between the people who share the care: Jointly App.

Parents caring for children with specific needs

The York Local Offer provides information on what is available in York for children and young people and their families with special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND).

The Local Offer has been produced by children, young people, parents, carers and practitioners working together. Families have been engaged throughout the development of the Local Offer. Their feedback forms a fundamental part of its ongoing development. Information for parents caring for children with specific needs can be found at York Local Offer - Parents; where to turn for help.

Last updated: 25/03/2024