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Equality Services


Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are not treated differently or less favourably, on the basis of their specific protected characteristic, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age.


The York Racial Equality Network logo. It shows eight handprints of different colours.

York Racial Equality Network (YREN)

York Racial Equality Network:

  • Is inclusive, diverse and believes in Equality
  • Enables Black and Minority Ethnic voices to be better heard in York
  • Encourages Friendship and Harmony amongst people of all cultures and makes our events inclusive for everyone
  • YREN's programmes and events are developed jointly with our members and we listen to their lived experiences
  • Aims to improve access to appropriate services and support
  • Will be a Hate Crime Reporting Centre

York Travellers Trust

York Travellers Trust provides support and advice to the Gypsy and Traveller community.

Friends, Families and Travellers

Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT) is a national charity that works on behalf of all Gypsies and Travellers regardless of ethnicity, culture or background; they provide advice and support for Gypsies and Travellers, families and communities


Kyra Women's Project

Kyra are a registered charity in York that exists to help local women make positive change in their lives. They offer a range of courses, therapies, life skills and events for women, from their relaxed, comfortable, city centre location. We welcome anyone who identifies as a woman and is over the age of 18.

For more information please visit the Kyra website.

York Women's Forum

York Women’s Forum was founded in 2018 and is a new and developing network which aims to

  • Provide a vehicle for women to share ideas, knowledge and experiences and  identify issues for action
  • Promote gender equality and non-discrimination in York
  • Encourage women to take part in our democracy


GeneraTe is a support and social group for transgender, non-binary and gender-questioning people


York Disability Rights Forum

York Disability Rights Forum is led by disabled people and works to promote equal access to human rights for all those with disabilities who live or work in York.

The Forum aims to be a collective voice, to raise awareness of issues affecting disabled people in York and create positive changes.


York People First

York People First is an independent self advocacy group whose aim is

  • To help people with a learning disability to speak up
  • To teach the community about the rights, the abilities and the strengths of people with a learning disability
  • To provide training to students, staff and members of the community who work with people who have learning disabilities
  • To represent people with learning disabilities in York and the surrounding area at local, regional, national and government level
  • To build peoples confidence and create future leaders

Equality Advisory Service

Equality Advisory Service offers information and guidance on discrimination and human rights issues. The service is free and accessible by phone, email, fax, post, video link for those who wish use BSL and offers advocacy services for those experiencing mental ill health and those with learning disabilities.

York Mind

York Mind is an independent local mental health charity which aims to empower individuals experiencing mental ill health to start on the pathway to recovery. They believe that the condition should never define the person and consequently our recovery model encompasses every aspect of our clients’ lives: personal, social and professional.

Religion or belief

York Interfaith

York Interfaith aims to contribute to the promotion of mutual respect and understanding between faith communities and aim to respond to the new & changing ethnic and faith mix of population in York.  York Interfaith has been accepted as a member by the National Interfaith Network.

One Voice

One Voice York is the umbrella organisation of those churches in York who cooperate together in prayer and mission.

One Voice has no membership, just a handful of trustees, but have become a large network of Church leaders, and leaders of associated ministries, across the denominations and traditions.
One Voice facilitates the building of relationships between Christian leaders and ministries within the city, and is the conduit between the church and civic authorities.

One Voice organises events and ministries in the city, branding some to let everyone know that they are open to all.

Sexual Orientation

York LGBT Forum aims are to:
  • To promote equality and diversity for the public benefit
  • To promote social inclusion for the public benefit
  • To further any other purpose which is charitable according to the law of England and Wales for the public benefit as the trustees see fit from time to time.

The Forum actively promotes awareness and understanding of LGBT people’s needs to enable full participation in society. It works with many others to reduce the fear of crime and bullying, particularly in schools. It also encourages greater participation in the prevention and detection of homophobic, transphobic and biphobic discrimination.

Free to be Me is a training programme the York LGBT Forum developed. They currently have two training programmes Free to be Me in Care and Free to be Me in the Workplace. 



Older Citizen Advocacy York

Older Citizen Advocacy York (OCAY) has been an independent charity in York since 2002, funded by grants, donations and fundraising. 

They aim to help people have their voices heard, through advocacy. They have committed and skilled volunteers, including volunteer advocates, fundraisers and trustees, and a team of of dedicated part-time staff. 

The majority of our advocacy is delivered through volunteers, supported by staff with qualifications in advocacy. They offer ongoing training and development for all volunteers and staff. 

Age UK

Age UK York aims to improve later life for everyone through their information and advice, services, campaigns, products, training and research.

Raise York

Raise York supports children, young people, parents and carers, and anyone who looks after or works with children and young people in York

Ageing Without Children (AWOC)

AWOC is a group for all those who have never been able to have children, whose children have died or moved away, who never wanted children, who are estranged from their children. For details of when they meet please go to the Community Activities directory

Human Rights

York Human Right's City is a catalyst for businesses, and  organisations to champion a vibrant, diverse, fair and safe city.

A Human Rights City is one that seeks to engage with people’s real concerns by using a human rights framework to address local, everyday priorities such as the right to good quality education, housing, health and standard of living for all its residents, without discrimination.

In doing so, its vision is to integrate human rights into policy, practice and local life, highlighting positive stories as well as areas needing improvement. 

Pledge your support on their website and subscribe to receive a weekly email of human rights related events in the city.

The British Institute of Human Rights has published this booklet for anyone living with learning disabilities and, or autism.
Last updated: 26/03/2024

Websites you may be interested in

City of York Logo

City of York Council - Our approach to equalities

City of York Council - Equalities
Equality and human rights logo

Equality Human Rights Commission

Equality Human Rights Commission

The City of York Council’s duty under the Equality Act 2010