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Homelessness & Emergency Accommodation

York's approach to preventing homelessness

The housing market in York can be expensive and difficult. There's a lot of demand on available housing in the city.

York has a number of services that provide housing advice and accommodation with support, in particular to people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. York's approach is to prevent homelessness and rough sleeping in the first instance. The earlier someone can make contact with services to seek advice, the more chance there is of assisting that person to prevent them becoming homeless.

Emergency Accommodation

For those of us that become homeless there are a number of emergency options that can be used. These offer breathing space to secure longer term accommodation and ensure that you're not in the position of potentially sleeping rough.

No Second Night Out (NSNO) is delivered by homeless services in York.  NSNO is emergency accommodation, to try and ensure that you don’t have to spend more than one night on the streets. It's further underpinned by a winter night emergency provision which offers accommodation to people during the winter months when the risk to welfare is higher. These emergency beds are very short term in nature and service providers work closely with homeless people to secure more permanent, stable accommodation options.

Resettlement services

The resettlement service often offers more stable accommodation solutions to single homeless people. Resettlement offers a steps-to-independence approach to securing permanent accommodation. The service provides support with the help of skilled and experienced staff who offer advice and information to anyone who lives within the accommodation.

There are a variety of different agencies who work together to offer wrap around support to homeless people as they move through the accommodation service and into their permanent homes. You can find the range of resettlement services in Live Well York's Service Directory

Struggling to manage your accommodation

Our housing advice page will provide information on how to find solutions to your housing problem.

If you are struggling to heat your home this winter the Warm Places link will provide a list of places where you will be welcomed and can stay warm.

If you are struggling to get food then the Community Food link will provide a range of options available including food banks.

Last updated: 04/12/2024