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Housing Advice

Housing Options

The Housing Options Team provide advice about housing issues and homelessness.

They offer advice and information if you are at risk of homelessness because you are:

  • being asked to leave by family or friends
  • break up of a relationship
  • domestic violence/domestic abuse
  • leaving hospital with nowhere to go
  • leaving prison with nowhere to go
  • mortgage arrears and house repossession
  • notice to quit or notice seeking possession received from landlord
  • redundancy or loss of earnings
  • rent arrears from City of York Council, other Housing Associations or a private landlords
  • eviction
  • benefit entitlements (housing benefit and council tax support)
  • rough sleeping

For more information on the service that the Housing Options Team provides, or to seek advice please call the Housing Options team  on 01904 554500 Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5pm .or email  housing.options@york.gov.uk

Specialist Housing Advisor

The specialist housing advisor works primarily with older people with complex housing and care / health needs to ensure they are able to live safely and in the home they choose, either in their current property or by exploring alterative accommodation options. Working alongside colleagues in adult social care, health and the third sector, they offer specialist advice and information to older people and their families and have an in-depth knowledge of housing options in York. The advisor is also able to offer general advice on all aspects of older people’s housing, such as independent living communities, retirement schemes, support at home and adaptations. The service is available to all – home owners, private renters and those in other types of accommodation.

For more information on contact the Specialist Housing Advisor Sharon Homan on 01904 554095 or email sharon.homan@york.gov.uk

Homeless Advice and Emergency Beds

The Early Intervention and Prevention (EIP) Team are part of The Salvation Army's Homelessness Services, which operates in the centre of York. The service operates Monday to Friday from the office, and offers an out of hours call-out service at other times. The Drop-in service operates Monday to Friday, 10 am to 12pm from 63 Lawrence St, York. YO10 3BU. Homelessness prevention advice, housing options advice and accessing emergency beds are all available at the drop in service. To access this service in the first instance you should call the City of York Council Housing Options service first on 01904 554500 who will carry out a triage assessment.

For more information around early intervention and prevention of homelessness please contact the Salvation Army on 01904 545096 or visit the Salvation Army Website or Live Well York Service and Product Directory.

Youth Homeless Advice & Information

Youth Homeless Workers

The Youth Homeless Workers  offer support to young people aged 16 to 17 who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless (16 year olds need to have officially left Year 11 to access this support). The Youth Homeless Team work with young people and their families to talk through any issues. The emphasis of the support provided by the Youth Homeless Team is on preventing homelessness and helping the young person to stay in their current home.

If you’re at risk of homelessness, the Youth Homeless Workers may be able to:

  • work with you and your family to resolve any issues and make referrals to family support
  • access emergency accommodation and make referrals to longer-term supported accommodation such as Howe Hill for young people

For more information on the service offered by the Youth Homeless Team please contact 01904 553585 or 07891 853498 or 07717 320102 or youthhomeless@york.gov.uk

Get Money & Benefits Advice

Free independent advice and support is available for all residents on social welfare issues including benefits, debts, employment, housing and immigration

Last updated: 02/12/2021