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Independent Living for Older People
As you get older you you may wish to continue live in your home and require some information and advice about how to remain independent.
This page contains information about the options that might be available to you. These links take you to the relevant section of this page:
Homeshare York
Homeshare York is a not-for-profit service that matches a Householder with a Homesharer for mutual benefit. The sharer will provide 10 hours of support a week in exchange for accommodation.
Homeshare could be an option to consider if you:
- Are aged 55 years or over
- Are an owner of a suitable property with a spare room
- Live by yourself
- Could benefit from some practical support and/or companionship
- Do not require/ receive personal care
- Are not in receipt of means-tested benefits
If you feel that you could benefit from Homeshare but do not quite fit the above criteria please contact Homeshare and they will consider individual requirements.
Research in Practice have carried out a Homeshare interview as an example how a match can work.
Visit City of York Council - Homeshare website to find out more.
Accommodation Options
If you are finding it more difficult to live in and maintain your home, you may be considering different housing options.
You could speak to the City of York Council’s Specialist housing adviser (frail elderly and complex needs), about any aspect of housing options including:
- staying in your current home
- making your home better fit your needs
- getting support or adaptations in your own home
- moving to alternative or specialist accommodation
For accommodation with support and care please go to:
If you have some level of support needs, independent living may be suitable for you.
City of York Council provide a range of accommodation across the city for older people who want to continue to live independently but with the knowledge that support is available as your needs change. All the independent-living-for-older-people-accommodation the council provide is self-contained, accessible and affordable. For more information visit the Independent Living page on the council website.
And please look at Apply for independent living accomodation for more information about:
- Applying for independent living accommodation.
- Types of independent living accommodation.
- Information on the schemes available and your eligibility.
Housing Associations
Housing Associations are usually non-profit making organisations providing a range of accommodation for rent (and in some cases purchase, including shared ownership).
The City of York Council 'nominates' (puts forward) tenants to many of these homes; register with the Council so you don’t miss any opportunities if you are looking for a home.
The size, type and location of homes vary from one association to another. Each association will be able to give you more information about their homes in York.
For more information on the housing associations in York please visit the council's Housing Associations in York page.