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York Community Woodland wins top award

York Community Woodland has won the prestigious John Boddy Award for Forestry, presented at this year’s Great Yorkshire Show.
The award celebrates excellence in forestry creation, design and management in Yorkshire, with this year’s award focusing on the best community woodland planted in Yorkshire over the last 15 years. The Award is organised and judged by the Yorkshire Agricultural Society, Royal Forestry Society and Forestry Commission....

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Don't miss out! - York Learning

Enrolments have been coming in thick and fast since our brochure was published two weeks ago. Some of our most popular courses only have a handful of spaces left, and we've already added a couple of new courses for the summer. Learn coding, piano, dressmaking, spanish and much more.Head over to the booking system to see the full program....

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Seven organisations awarded Cultural Wellbeing Grants 2023

Seven York-based charities, social enterprises, community groups and individuals have been awarded grant funding by Make It York and City of York Council, made available via the Better Care Fund. The Cultural Wellbeing Grant funding will support a range of initiatives for York residents, which are designed to support mental wellbeing and reduce loneliness and isolation.

A total of £26,775 was made available for organisations to help engage isolated people in their communities through...

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Alcohol Awareness Week

Alcohol Awareness Week runs from 3rd to 9th July. The City of York Health Trainers will be on hand across the city giving advice.Join them on: 3rd July Menfulness, 7-9pm at York Stadium 4th July Acomb, Front St, 2-4.30pm 7th July Haxby, 11.30am-1.30pm 9th July Dragon Boat Race Get advice and take the quiz....

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The library in your pocket!

Stop Press! Exciting news! We have a brand new free Explore York Libraries App! It’s the library in your pocket!
Get the free Explore York Libraries App and easily manage your library account wherever you go.
Search the catalogue, renew and reserve books from your mobile devices.
Use the App to check your books in and out when in the library.
Download the Explore York Libraries App and try it out now....

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Breaking Point - A recent history of Mental Health crises care in York

Our latest report 'Breaking Point' is available to read here.Siân Balsom, manager at Healthwatch York, said the report was not an easy read: “It evidences the challenging recent history of mental health crisis support in York and the significant gaps."This work aimed to capture the views and experiences of mental health crisis care from staff, patients and carers. By forming an understanding of the services in York for adults experiencing mental health crises, we aimed to identify wa...

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York Talk Money 26 June - 7 July 2023

York Talk Money aims to support people who are struggling financially. Many of us are finding it more difficult to meet everyday expences due to the increase in cost of living.Advice services have come together to promote the support and resources available.We want to make sure people are:

Getting all the help they are entiltled to
Reduce their outgoings as much as possible
Get advice if they need assitaance

To do this:

Use a free independent benefits calculator to make sure you're n...

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York Refugee Week 19th -25th June

Celebrate Refugee Week with us from 19th-25th June 2023!

Please join us in celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary.

This year’s theme is ‘compassion’ and there are lots of fantastic events and activities planned all over the City; please come along and show your support!...

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