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Improving Advice Services in York – Your Feedback Needed

Advice services in York are looking to strengthen the services we offer - you can help us by sharing your experiences and letting us know what you think about our ideas. Please take a few minutes to help shape the development of social welfare advice in York, including benefits, housing and money advice, by completing our short questionnaire.The closing date is Friday 31 March.All answers will recorded anonymously. Thank you for your time....

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Overdue Charges scrapped at Explore York libraries

Good News! It's goodbye to charges for overdue books at libraries in York, Explore has confirmed.

Library customers in York who have mislaid their copies of Lee Child's latest thriller or Spare no longer need to worry about financial penalties after Explore, the independent mutual organisation which runs York’s public libraries and City Archive, announced that it will be scrapping charges on overdue items.

From 28 February, borrowers from Explore’s 15 libraries in York will n...

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Great British Spring Clean

The Great British Spring Clean returns from 17 March - 2 April.
Back for its eighth year, the Great British Spring Clean is the nation’s biggest mass-action environmental campaign.
Last year, nearly half a million bags - 449,406 to be precise - were pledged. Thank you to every single one of our #LitterHeroes for taking care of the environment on our doorstep!
This year we will be focusing on the pride our #LitterHeroes have for their local community. 
Individuals, s...

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Community Mental Health Transformation Grant

Community Mental Health Transformation Grant For York's Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector£250,000 to improve the lives of York residents experiencing significant mental ill-health

A £250,000 Community Mental Health Transformation Grant, to improve the lives of people with serious mental illness in York, has been launched by the York Mental Health Partnership in collaboration with the ‘Connecting our City’ Partnership.

The funding (available ov...

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Cost of Living Survey - Healthwatch York

Healthwatch York wants to understand what you're going through as a result of the rising cost of living. Take part in the Cost of Living Survey - Healthwatch YorkThe survey is open until the 17th March 2023....

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Recommission of York Reablement Service

City of York Council are recommissioning their Reablement Service as the current contracts are coming to an end and we need to continue with this service. We would like to seek your views.Reablement aims to restore people’s independence following a period of ill-health or a hospital stay. It is a short-term intervention that involves intensive assessment and therapeutic work from a single day to, ideally, a maximum of 6 weeks.
The service is available to residents aged 18 years and over...

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York Disability Week 2022 Review

29 events and almost 500 people
In this sixth year of York Disability Week (26th November to 3rd December 2022) a total of 29 wide-ranging events took place, with almost 500 people taking part. There were ‘in-person’ events, ones that took place on-line, exhibitions, and the chance to ‘watch again’ some of the events from both previous years and this year. We were pleased to have several ‘new’ organisers this year as well as familiar ones. In addition to ev...

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Be Safe, Feel Safe - North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service have launched an online resource offering guidance to prevent fire related incidents this winter – especially for when heating your home.Access the Be Safe, Feel Safe guidance, and downloadable leaflet here....

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