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Support to Remain Independent

You may be living in your own home and need support to maintain your accommodation and remain independent. You may need advice through a telephone support line, need a service where you can drop-in for support when you require it or receive more structured support or treatment.

This page provides a range of support options available to meet specific needs to remain independent in your own home.

Maintaining your tenancy

Healthy Homes Handyperson Service is run by the City of York Council and provides help with simple repairs and tasks; get support with small jobs around your home.

This service can perform small jobs around your home if you are a resident in the City of York council area who is:

  • aged 60 years and over
  • disabled

Alternatively check the Live Well York service directory for a range of options for maintaining your home.

Falls Prevention Scheme

The City of York Council Falls Prevention Scheme offers free home safety visits to residents in Clifton, Guildhall, Micklegate, Haxby and Wiggington, Heworth, Holgate and Fishergate Wards who want practical help and advice to reduce the risk of falls in their home.

Request a free home safety visit from the Falls Prevention Scheme.

Homeshare York

Homeshare York is a not-for-profit service that matches a householder with a homesharer for mutual benefit. The sharer provides ten hours of support a week in exchange for accommodation.

For more information visit the City of York Council - Homeshare website, email or call 01904 554595.

Drug & Alcohol Support Services

For information on drug and alcohol support services have a look at:

Help for drugs and alcohol use | Live Well York

Homeless Prevention Support Services

Adult - Community Wellbeing Support

Changing Lives in Partnership with Community Links provide floating support to individuals who have a specific housing related support need. The support offered ranges from telephone contact to a community drop in service or a weekly visit from a support worker depending on the needs of the individual.

For more information about the floating support service provided by Changing Lives in partnership with Community Links please contact the Single Access Point by email or visit Changing Lives


Carecent is a breakfast centre for all homeless, unemployed or otherwise socially excluded members of our community. Carecent provide food, clothing and fellowship in a friendly and non-judgemental environment. The volunteer staff are always ready to listen and offer support and advice where possible. Where appropriate, Carecent works with other agencies in order to move people forward to an improved lifestyle. Carecent is open to people aged 18+ six mornings a week - Monday to Saturday from 8.30am to 10.45am.

For more information on the service provided by Carecent please contact 01904 624244.

Domestic Abuse

Help Lines

Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS) run a helpline for anyone affected by domestic abuse or sexual violence 03000 110 110. Call the helpline if you are: experiencing domestic abuse; have been affected by sexual violence or abuse; are worried about your relationship; or if you are concerned about someone you know. Professionals can also use the helpline to make referrals and ask questions. Lines are free to use and what you tell us will be treated in the strictest confidence

There is also a 24-hour national domestic violence number on 0808 2000 247, or the Rape Crisis line on 0808 802 9999.

Domestic Abuse Support Service

Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS) provide support to people of all genders (over the age of 16) who are victims or survivors of Domestic Abuse.

This includes practical support, and helping you through the criminal and civil justice systems. It also includes information on benefits and housing, providing emotional support or referring you on for counselling. Your safety is of paramount concern and they will always do their best to help you form a plan that will help you feel safer.

Support can be offered on a one-to-one basis or in a group. If you don’t want to meet in person, they can also help you over the phone or via email at The team of people have specialist knowledge and in-depth training. They also have good links with solicitors, counsellors and other specialist agencies.



Last updated: 03/09/2024